Changzhou LongTai Die Casting Co., Ltd. was founded in 1997, the company'smain business for electric garage doors with zinc and aluminum die casting,more than 95% of the products exported to Europe and the United Statesmarket, in the industry is the most 'complete variety, the best reputation ofaluminum and zinc suppliers. The company is a high-tech enterprise in JiangsuProvince, a high-tech small and medium-sized enterprise in Jiangsu Province,and has 18 patents (3 invention patents). In recent years, the company hasstrengthened quality management, practiced internal skills, and has passedISO9001 and Ts16949 quality system certification. Successfully become aqualified supplier of NIDEC and AVIC Optoelectronics, and the products haveentered the field of automotive EPS steering motors and new energy vehicles inlarge numbers.
Sunan headquarters mainly undertakes market development, order taking and R&D functions.Longtaihopes to establish an efficient and strategic headquarters insouthern Jiangsu to support its market development andorder receiving, and strengthen its R&D capabilities tobetter meet customer needs and promote productinnovation.
Copyright ? CHANGZHOU LONGTAI DIE CASTING Co.,LTD. IPC:ICP prepared 06055168 number-1